Prof. RNDr. Pavel Uher, CSc.

phone:+421 2 9014 9295
publicationszoznam publikácií
Mineralogy and petrology

Scientific interests

  • Accessory minerals
  • Minerals of rare litophile elements (REE, Nb-Ta, Zr-Hf, Be etc.)
  • Minerals of magmatic and metamorphic rocks
  • Chemical composition of minerals
  • Granitic pegmatites
  • Dating of accessory minerals

Teaching activities

My teaching activities are mainly focused on systematic and genetic mineralogy, accessory (heavy) minerals, as well as extraterrestrial materials and relationships between geology and wine science (enology) 

Bachelor degree:

  • Mineralogy (2)
  • Heavy minerals

Master’s degree

  • Genetic mineralogy of natural resources
  • Cosmogenic geology
  • Geology and enology
  • Field excursion: Mineralogy, petrology, economic and enviromental geology

Doctoral degree

  • Mineralogy of rocks
  • Genetic mineralogy
  • Crystal chemistry of silicate minerals

The most significant publications

  • Ondrejka M., Uher P., Putiš M., Kohút M., Broska I., Larionov A., Bojar A.-V., Sobocký T. 2021: Permian A‑type granites of the Western Carpathians and Transdanubian regions: products of the Pangea supercontinent breakup. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 110, 2133-2155.
  • Uher P., Broska I., Krzeminska E., Ondrejka M., Mikuš T., Vaculovič T., 2019: Titanite composition and SHRIMP U-Pb dating as indicators of post-magmatic tectono-thermal activity: Variscan I-type tonalities to granodiorites, the Western Carpathians. Geologica Carpathica, 70, 449-470.
  • Bačík P., Uher P., Kozáková P., Števko M., Ozdín D., Vaculovič T., 2018: Vanadian and chromian garnet- and epidote-supergroup minerals in metamorphosed Paleozoic black shales from Čierna Lehota, Strážovské vrchy Mountains, Slovakia: crystal chemistry and evolution. Mineralogical Magazine, 82, 889-911.
  • Breiter K., Korbelová Z., Chládek Š., Uher P., Knésl I., Rambousek P., Honig S., Šešulka V., 2017: Diversity of Ti-Sn-W-Nb-Ta minerals in the classic granite-related magmatic-hydrothermal Cínovec/Zinnwald Sn-W-Li deposit (Czech Republic). European Journal of Mineralogy, 29, 727-738.
  • Aubrecht R., Sýkora M., Uher P., Li X. H., Yang Y. H., Putiš M., Plašienka D., 2017: Provenance of the Lunz Formation (Carnian) in the Western Carpathians, Slovakia: Heavy mineral study and in situ LA-ICP-MS detrital zircon dating. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 471, 233-253.
  • Uher P.,  Ondrejka M., Bačík P., Broska I., Konečný P., 2015: Britholite, monazite, REE carbonates, and calcite: Products of hydrothermal alteration of allanite and apatite in A-type granite from Stupné, Western Carpathians, Slovakia. Lithos, 236, 212-225.
  • Henry D.J., Novák M., Hawthorne F. C., Ertl A., Dutrow B. L., Uher P., Pezzotta F., 2011: Nomenclature of the tourmaline supergroup minerals. American Mineralogist, 96, 895-913.
  • Uher P., Ondrejka M., Konečný P., 2009: Magmatic and post-magmatic Y-REE-Th phosphate, silicate and Nb-Ta-Y-REE oxide minerals in A-type metagranite: an example from the Turčok massif, the Western Carpathians, Slovakia. Mineralogical Magazine, 73, 1009-1025.
  • Breiter K., Škoda R., Uher P. 2007: Nb-Ta-Ti-W-Sn-oxide minerals asd indicators of a peraluminous P- and F-rich granitic system evolution: Podlesí, Czech Republic. Mineralogy and Petrology, 91, 225-248.
  • Broska I., Williams C. T., Uher P., Konečný P., Leichmann J., 2004: The geochemistry of phosphorus in different granite suites of the Western Carpathians, Slovakia: the role of apatite and P-bearing feldspar. Chemical Geology, 205, 1-15.
  • Broska I., Uher P. 2001: Whole-rock chemistry and genetic typology of the West-Carpathian Variscan granites. Geologica Carpathica, 52, 79-90.
  • Uher P., Broska I. 1996: Post-orogenic Permian granitic rocks in the Western Carpathian-Pannonian area: Geochemistry, mineralogy and evolution. Geologica Carpathica, 47, 311-321.

Current Projects

APVV-19-0065 – člen riešiteľského kolektívu (2020-2023, hlavný riešiteľ M. Putiš) „Petrologicko-geochronologický záznam riftogenézy a kôrovo- plášťovej recyklácie v orogénnej prizme Západných Karpát” Click to expand

Specific groups of rocks and their minerals are searched as indicators of the riftogenic zones, despite they often have signatures of superimposed tectono-thermal overprinting from their incorporation into the orogenic zones.

APVV-18-0065 – člen riešiteľského kolektívu (2018-2023, hlavný riešiteľ P. Bačík) „Ľahké litofilné prvky (Li, Be, B) vo vybraných mineráloch: od kryštálovej štruktúry ku geologickým procesom“ Click to expand

The project includes mineralogical and crystal-chemical studies of minerals that contain light cations from the second period of the periodic system – lithium, beryllium and boron in their structure. Research is focused on two areas and two types of minerals will be examined. The first area of research will focus on crystal-chemical patterns down to the subatomic level using state-of-the-art analytical methods. The second area will be focused on the behaviour of these elements in the mineral and rock environment. Firstly, minerals containing Be, B and Li directly in their crystal-chemical formula (these elements are dominant at least at one structural site) will be studied. These include silicates (tourmaline supergroup, gadolinite supergroup, beryl and cordierite, Li mica, spodumen, bertrandite, phenakite), borates (whole class), phosphates (herderite) and oxides (chrysoberyl). However, we will focus also on the minerals in which Be, B and Li substitute for the other cations, but are not dominant. In this context, the distribution of studied elements in various minerals in variable rock environments will be studied.

VEGA 1/0137/20 – member of the research team (2020-2022) “Experimental study of physico-chemical properties of selected minerals (oxides, phosphates and silicates).” Click to expand

The experimental mineralogical approach is suitable for detailed crystal-chemical study of properties and processes within the crystal structure and its stability, but also for the precious stones treatment within the gemmology. Some of these experiments are not sufficiently described and the colour changing mechanisms are similarly not clearly known as well as the processes leading to the mineral structure breakdown. The crystal-chemical properties of selected minerals (oxides, phosphates and silicates) will be studied by thermal, thermal-pressure and radiation experiments, especially the oxidation or reduction of cations, the formation or disappearance of colour centres and structural defects. The mineral decomposition processes and new phase formation will also be studied under experimental conditions.

VEGA 1/0467/20 – member of the research team (2020-2022) “Remobilisation and fractionation of rare lithophile elements under hydrothermal and supergene conditions“ Click to expand

Memberships and Awards

  • Chairman of the Mineralogical Society of Slovakia (2012-2016), vice-chairman of the Mineralogical Society of Slovakia (from 2017)
  • D. Andrusov medal, awarded by the Faculty of Science, Comenius University at Bratislava, for scientific activities (2013)
  • National representative of the Comission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification of International Mineralogical Association (CNMMN IMA; 1998-2010)
  • Post-doctorial Fellowhisp: University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada (1994-1996)