Assoc. Professor Peter Šottník, PhD.

Position:Associate professor
Phone:+421 2 9014 9277
Publicationslist of publications
Section of Economic Geology

Scientific interests

  • Impact of mining activities on the environment, geological survey and risk analysis of environmental burdens, remediation technologies, treatment of mining and technological waters, exploration and extraction of minerals, environmental minerals and their use, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of mining waste.S

Pedagogical activities

My teaching activities are mainly focused on geology of ore deposits, the impact of mining on the environment and the issue of environmental burdens.

Bachelor degree:

  • PriF.KLG / N-bGXX-001/15 – Basics of Geological Survey and Mining
  • PriF.KLG / N-bGCH-004/15 – Mineral resources
  • PriF.KLG / N-bGZL-003-3 / 3634/00 – Ore deposits

Master’s degree

  • PriF.KLG / N-mGZL-020/15 – Ore raw materials of Slovakia
  • PriF.KLG / N-mGZL-005/15 – Environmental legislation and technologies as a tool for sustainable development
  • PriF.KLG / N-mGZL-100/15 – Impact of mining and processing of minerals on the environment
  • PriF.KLG / N-mGZL-002/15 – Exploration, exploration and calculation of mineral deposits
  • PriF.KLG / N-mGZL-112/15 – Application of deposit and environmental deposit geology in regional development
  • PriF.KGCh / N-mEEG-135/15 – Risk analysis of polluted areas and environmental burdens
  • PriF.KMP / N-mGMP-004/15 Environmental Mineralogy
  • PriF.KLG / N-mGLG-103/15 – Deposit Geology Seminar
  • PriF.KLG / N-mGZL-003/15 – Course of mining geological mapping and survey of deposit and environmental methods
  • PriF.KGCh / N-mEEG-136/15 – Field course of survey and remediation methods of environmental loads

Doctoral degree

  • PriF.KLG / N-DGLG-003/15 – Mineralogical, Geochemical and Other Research Methods in Deposit Geology

The most significant publications

Šottník, Peter – Jurkovič, Ľubomír – Hiller, Edgar – Kordík, Jozef – Slaninka, Igor: Environmentálne záťaže. – 1. vyd. – Banská Bystrica : Slovenská agentúra životného prostredia, 2015. – 301 s. [23 AH]

Frankovská, Jana – Kordík, Jozef – Slaninka, Igor – Jurkovič, Ľubomír – Greif, Vladimír – Šottník, Peter – Dananaj, Ivan – Mikita, Slavomír – Dercová, Katarína – Jánová, Vlasta: Atlas sanačných metód environmentálnych záťaží. – 1. vyd. – Bratislava : Štátny geologický ústav D. Štúra, 2010. – 360 s. [45 AH]

Hiller, Edgar – Lalinská-Voleková, Bronislava – Chovan, Martin – Jurkovič, Ľubomír – Klimko, Tomáš – Jankulár, Michal – Hovorič, Róbert – Šottník, Peter – Fľaková, Renáta – Ženišová, Zlatica – Ondrejková, Ivana: Arsenic and antimony contamination of waters, stream sediments and soils in the vicinity of abandoned antimony mines inthe Western Carpathians, Slovakia, Applied Geochemistry. – Vol. 27, No. 3 (2012), s. 598-614

Hiller, Edgar – Petrák, Marián – Tóth, Roman – Lalinská-Voleková, Bronislava – Jurkovič, Ľubomír – Kučerová, Gabriela – Radková, Anežka – Šottník, Peter – Vozár, Jaroslav: Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of a neutral, low-sulfide/high-carbonate tailings impoundment, Markušovce, eastern Slovakia, Environmental Science and Pollution Research. – Vol. 20, No. 11 (2013), s. 7627-7642

Hiller, Edgar – Tóth, Roman – Kučerová, Gabriela – Jurkovič, Ľubomír – Šottník, Peter – Lalinská-Voleková, Bronislava – Vozár, Jaroslav: Geochemistry of Mine Tailings from Processing of Siderite-Cu Ores and Mobility of Selected Metals and Metalloids Evaluated by a Pot Leaching Experiment at the Slovinky Impoundment, Eastern Slovakia, Mine Water and the Environment. – Vol. 35, No. 4 (2016), s. 447-461

Sekula, Peter – Hiller, Edgar – Šottník, Peter – Jurkovič, Ľubomír – Klimko, Tomáš – Vozár, Jaroslav: Removal of antimony and arsenic from circum-neutral mine drainage in Poproc, Slovakia: a field treatment system using low-cost iron-based material. Environmental Earth Sciences. – Roč. 77, č. 13 (2018), s. [1-14], Art. No. 518

Šottník, Peter – Lalinská-Voleková, Bronislava – Brčeková, Jana – Koděra, Peter – Jurkovič, Ľubomír: Characterization and environmental risk assessment of potential miningwaste from Detva – Biely vrch deposit

Current Projects

APVV-17-0317 Antimony – a critical element and a dangerous contaminant affecting biodiversity in sites with extractive waste. (co-researcher, project leader. Prof. RNDr. E. Hiller, PhD.)Click to Expand

In 2010, the first analysis of critical raw materials was published. In this list, 14 critical raw materials were identified, including antimony. Critical raw materials are of high economic importance to the European Union, combined with the high risks associated with their supply. There is currently no primary source of antimony production in the EU. Overall, the EU is a net importer of antimony ore and concentrates. However, antimony also represents a significant toxic contaminant occurring in Slovakia in all components of the environment. There were several important deposits of antimony ores in Slovakia. They occurred mainly in 3 metal-genetic areas: nuclear mountains (Little Carpathians, Low Tatras), Spiš – Gemer Ore Mountains, Central and East Slovak neovolcanics. The main goal of the presented project is to evaluate the potential of mining waste in abandoned deposits in Slovakia in terms of possible extraction of antimony as a critical raw material for the European Union. However, another important goal of the project is to define the environmental and health risks associated with the use of mining waste as raw materials for obtaining Sb and to propose measures that should prevent negative impacts on the environment in the case of the use of mining waste. An important goal of the project is also a microbiological study of mining waste repositories and evaluation of the potential of microbiological methods (biomining) in the extraction of Sb. One of the aims of the project is to determine the impact of contamination on biodiversity in areas of abandoned Sb deposits. As part of the molecular genetic study, information will be obtained on the DNA of higher organisms as well as microorganisms (NGS method). The content of PTSD will be determined in each non-biological, biological and reference sample examined. The project defines the transfer of PTSD from a contaminated environment to selected groups of organisms (fungi, arthropods, fish) as potential sources of human intoxication.

Completed projects (selection):

APVV-0344-11 Pilot implementation of mining water remediation at a selected abandoned Sb deposit (responsible researcher)

APVV-VMSP-P-0115-09 Methodical procedure for a comprehensive audit of sludge containing waste after mining, APVV (responsible researcher for PRIF UK – RNDr. Ľ. Jurkovič, PhD.)

APVV-VVCE-0033-07 Research and Education Center of Excellence for Solid State Research with a Focus on Nanomaterials, Environmental Mineralogy and Materials Technology (co-investigator, project leader. Prof. RNDr. M. Chovan, CSc.)

APVV-0268-06 Evaluation of the impact of mining activities on the surroundings of abandoned Sb deposits of Slovakia with proposals for remediation, (co-researcher, project leader. Prof. RNDr. M. Chovan, CSc.)

Project PA n ° 42 A JRC Project in Association with Central and Eastern European Countries of the Pre-Accession „Inventory, Regulations and Environmental Risks of Toxic Mining Wastes in Pre-Accession Countries“ (2002-2003) (supervisor: Giovani Bidoglio, JRC Ispra)

Joint SR-US project: “Passive treatment of the acid mine drainage at Smolnik Mine, Slovakia” (1999-2000), funded by EcoLinks and Knight Piésold Denver (supervisor: prof.Šucha)

Slovak coordinator of the Slovak-German-Vietnamese project: “Environmental impact of industrial waste in Nam Dinh county, Vietnam” (2000-2003) (leader: Dr. Jorn Kasbohm, University of Greifswald)

SPD Obj. 3 2005 / 1-052: Improving the quality of training in the field of environmental risk of extractive industry waste (project manager)

PS 2009/15 Preparation and conducting of Study tour on learning from the Slovak experience in environmental management and remediation of priority mine sites (project leader.)

2013/18 / RFP – Protected areas in EU accession context – Slovak experience (co-researcher)

Personal competence

  • Holder of a certificate of professional competence in environmental geological survey and geological research
  • Certificate of successful completion of the course Pollution Analysis of the Polluted Area (2012, 2015, 2019)
  • Member of the Commission for the Approval of Mineral Resources (KKZ) of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic.
  • Expert evaluator at the Ministry of the Environment for the evaluation of applications for NP within the OP Environment
  • Member of the working group of the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic of the draft Act 514 of 4 November 2008 on the management of waste from the mining industry and on the amendment of certain acts (2006-2008)
  • Member of the Slovak Association of Geochemists (SAGCH)
  • Member of the editorial board of AGEOS and GeoScience Engineering

Member of the conference organizing committee:

  • Remediation technology (main organizer Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor spol. S r. O., Píšťovy 820, 537 01 Chrudim)
  • Innovative effort technologies in research and practice (main organizer Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor spol. S r. O., Píšťovy 820, 537 01 Chrudim)
  • Mining and its impacts on the environment (main organizer of Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor spol. S.r.O.)
  • Geochemistry (main organizer Slovak Association of Geochemists)
  • Cambel Days (main organizer of the Slovak Association of Geochemists)