Characterization of deposits of non-metallic minerals (mineralogy, chemistry and surface properties)
Mineral research methods (XRD, QXRD, FTIR, ICP, XRF, SEM-EDX, HRTEM, BET, TG / DTG / DTA, Mössbauer, CEC, and others)
Research of clays, clay minerals and zeolites
Clays in oil sands and their influence on bitumen extraction
Synthesis of zeolites from mining wastes and their environmental applications
Pedagogical activities
My teaching activities are mainly focused in the field of non-metallic minerals.
Bachelor’s degree:
Deposits of fossil fuels and energy raw materials
Mineralogy and crystal chemistry of natural nanomaterials
Master’s degree
Special methods of non-ore deposits research
Renewable and non-renewable energy sources for sustainable development
Doctoral degree
Modelling of conditions and processes in mineral deposits and environmental applications
Advanced research methods in Economic geology
Mineralogical, geochemical and other research methods in Economic geology
The most significant publications
Azzi, A. A., Osacký, M., Uhlík, P., Čaplovičová, M., Zanardo, A., Madejová, J. (2016): Characterization of clays from the Corumbatai formation used as raw material for ceramic industry in the Santa Gertrudes district, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Applied Clay Science, 132-133, 232-242.
Osacký, M., Geramian, M., Ivey, D. G., Liu, Q., Etsell, T. H. (2015): Influence of nonswelling clay minerals (illite, kaolinite, and chlorite) on nonaqueous solvent extraction of bitumen. Energy & Fuels, 29, 7, 4150-4159.
Osacký, M., Geramian, M., Ivey, Douglas G., Liu, Q., Etsell, Thomas H. (2013): Mineralogical and chemical composition of petrologic end members of Alberta oil sands. Fuel, 113, 148-157.
Osacký, M., Šucha, V., Miglierini, M., Madejová, J. (2012): Reaction of bentonites with pyrite concentrate after wetting and drying cycles at 80 degrees C: relevance to radioactive waste (Radwaste) storage.Clay Minerals, 47, 4, 465-479.
Osacký, M., Šucha, V., Czímerová, A., Madejová, J. (2010): Reaction of smectites with iron in a nitrogen atmosphere at 75 degrees C. Applied Clay Science, 50, 2, 237-244.
Current Projects
VEGA 1/0196/19 – hlavný riešiteľ (2019-2022)„Vplyv minerálneho zloženia, chemizmu a povrchových vlastností technologických typov perlitu na kvalitu expandovaných perlitov a redukcia akumulácie jemnozrnného perlitového materiálu (vedľajšieho produktu po spracovaní perlitu) jeho transformáciou na zeolity a potencionálne environmentálne využitie syntetizovaných zeolitov“.Klikni pre podrobnosti o projekte
Projekt sa zaoberá najmä štúdiom rôznych technologických typov perlitu a jemnozrnného perlitového materiálu, ktorý vzniká ako vedľajší produkt pri spracovaní perlitu (v súčasnosti s minimálnym využitím). Cieľom je pochopiť vplyv mineralógie, chemizmu a povrchových vlastností technologických typov perlitu na kvalitu finálnych komerčných produktov – expandovaných perlitov a minimalizovať akumuláciu jemnozrnného perlitového materiálu jeho transformáciou na zeolity a zhodnotiť potencionálne environmentálne využitie syntetizovaných zeolitov. Výstupy projektu sú využiteľné v praxi, kde môžu prispieť k lepšej predúprave perlitových technologických typov a optimalizácii expandačného procesu tak, že výsledkom bude kvalitnejší produkt (expandovaný perlit) pri nižších vstupných nákadoch, v porovnaní so súčasnou technológiou. Transformácia perlitového materiálu na zeolity prispeje k zníženiu akumulácie jemného perlitového materiálu a environmentálne využitie zeolitov prispeje k zlepšeniu životného prostredia.
APVV-20-0175 – member of the research team (2021 – 2025, principal investigator P. Uhlík) APVV-20-0175 – principal investigator of the project (2021-2025) „Bentonite: Slovak strategic raw material – Innovative assessment of bentonite quality and origin for its efficient use ” Click for project annotation
Bentonite is an important industrial raw material. Due to the high amount of clay minerals from the smectite group, bentonite has unique properties, e.g. high swelling capacity, plasticity, high specific surface area, cation exchange capacity and low hydraulic conductivity. Due to these properties bentonites have broad range of possible applications. As a consequence, worldwide bentonite production is constantly increasing. Slovak Republic (SR) is one of the world’s leading bentonite producers and bentonites belong to the strategic raw materials in SR. In the last 10-15 years, several new bentonite deposits have been opened in SR, most of which have never been studied in detail. This may mean that the potential of Slovak bentonites is not fully utilized. One of the objectives of the project is therefore the comprehensive characterization of bentonites from new deposits. The mineral and chemical composition of bentonites, their physico-chemical, mechanical and rheological properties will be determined. The obtained results will help to better understand the geology and genesis of bentonite deposits which may lead to the discovery of other economic accumulations of bentonites. The main contribution of the project lies in the rational and efficient use of domestic raw materials which will lead to the long-term sustainability of bentonite exploitation in SR. The idea itself is not new, but the way on how we want to implement the proposed changes is highly innovative. The main application outputs of the project such as: passports for the optimal utilization of different qualitative types of bentonites, 3D model of bentonite quality and geological model of selected bentonite deposit, will contribute to achieve this ambitious goal. The multidisciplinary team of experts on domestic and world bentonites in cooperation with major bentonite producer in SR, REGOS, s.r.o. is guarantee of successful solution of the proposed project. The partners of the project are the Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry SAS and the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava.