PhD. Thesis topics

Economic Geology

Supervisor/ConsultantLanguageTitleAnnotationPlace of studyType
Peter KoděraEN/SKFingerprinting fluid evolution of porphyry and related mineralisations by combining chemistry of ore minerals and fluid inclusion studyPorphyry-type deposits are a significant potential source of critical and strategic raw materials in Slovakia (W-Mo – Ochtiná-Rochovce, Au – Biely Vrch, Cu-Au – Vysoká-Zlatno). These deposits have recently been a subject to intensive exploration and research, but no detailed investigation on the chemical composition of different generations of ore minerals using electron microanalysis and LA ICMPS has been applied to them yet. The proposed research would be carried out simultaneously with a complex research of fluid inclusions (microthermometry, Raman spectroscopy, LA ICPMS), mineral thermometry and isotopic analysis. Combining these methods have a significant potential to bring new knowledge about the genesis and evolution of these important ore deposits.FNS CUFull-time
Peter KoděraEN/SK Characterisation of satellite mineralization in the vicinity of the Rochovce granite intrusionOre deposits and occurrences north of the Rochovce village, which are located in a close proximity to a major regional thrust fault, have been a target of historical mining in the past, as well as more recent exploration, focused mainly on gold and polymetallic ores. A potential source of mineralizing fluids in this area could be the Rochovce granite, with which porphyry W-Mo mineralization is genetically and spatially associated. The aim of the dissertation is mainly the mineral characterisation of individual ore occurrences in the vicinity of the Rochovce granite and associated alteration, as well as the clarification of their genesis, including their relationship to the tectonic and magmatic-hydrothermal evolution of this area. FNS CUFull-time
Marek OsackýEN/SK The impact of individual oil sands properties on bitumen extractionThe Alberta oil sands represent an important source of bitumen on the planet. Although a number of factors are known to affect bitumen extraction, it is still unclear which factors are crucial and which are less important. The set of experiments will be performed using model oil sands mixtures with similar composition to that of natural oil sands. Knowledge of key actors will allow a better understanding of the impact of individual oil sands properties (mineralogy, chemistry, surface properties) on bitumen extraction. One of the outputs important for oil companies will be a better prediction of the amount of bitumen extracted from different types of oil sands.  FNS CUFull-time
Peter UhlíkEN/SK Potential of selected industrial minerals as supplementary cementitious materialCement-based products are the most consumed manufactured material in the world. This enormous production, however, causes the cement industry currently accounts for about 7% of the CO2 emissions globally and global demand will increase. One important way how to reduce the environmental impact of cement production is replacing clinker or cement partially by supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs). The topic will therefore focus on assessing the suitability of industrial minerals from selected deposits for their use as DCM. The selection of studied raw materials will focus on lower-quality industrial minerals, especially from the Western Carpathians (e.g., bentonites, clays, perlites or zeolites), which are currently not used.
Objectives of thesis
Selection of raw materials for assessment of their suitability as SCM. It will be focused on lower-quality non-ore raw materials, especially from the Western Carpathians (e.g. bentonites, clays, perlites or zeolites), which are currently not used.
Assessment of the pozzolanic activity of natural Industrial minerals and, if necessary, also after their treatment (thermal and mechanical)
Comparison of the suitability of the studied materials with already verified pozzolan admixtures in cements.
FNS CU Full-time
Peter UhlíkEN/SK Geochemistry of phyllosilicates as an indicator of hydrothermal processesPhylloilicates react relatively sensitively to changes in the chemistry of the environment, so there is an effort to use them as an indicator of geological processes. With advanced analytical methods, the possibilities to use even trace elements are expanding. The aim of the presented PhD topic is to use current advanced geochemical tools (e.g. Ti/Sr indicator of fluid temperature in porphyry systems by Wilkinson et al., 2015) and at the same time to search for new possibilities of using phyllosilicates (mainly chlorites and micas) as indicators of hydrothermal processes in selected ore deposits of the Western Carpathians (porphyry and epithermal systems). The advantage of the topic is that student will work with well-defined deposits, where there will be no problem comparing the obtained data with other independent methods or with deposits on which current exploration and research is taking place, where it will be possible to supplement the necessary comparative data. FNS CUFull-time

Mineralogy and Petrology

Školiteľ/KonzultantJazykNázov práceAnotáciaPracoviskoTyp
Pavel UherEN/SK Minerals of rare lithophile elements in leucogranites and pegmatites of the Veporic Superunit (Central Slovakia): chemical composition and evolutionDetailed characteristics of accessory minerals containing rare lithophile elements (REE, Zr-Hf, Nb-Ta, Th-U, Be, B): zircon, monazite, allanite, xenotime, columbite-tantalite, beryl, tourmaline etc. (internal zoning, variations of chemical composition, age, P-T conditions) in Paleozoic highly fractionated leucogranites and granitic pegmatites as tools for deciphering of their rock evolutionFNS CU Full-time
Pavel UherEN/SK Minerals of titanite group: indicators of magmatic and metamorphic processesStudy of compositional variations, internal textures and paragenetic associations of titanite-group minerals in contrasting magmatic and metamorphic rocks (e.g. granites, pegmatites, skarns, metabasic rocks) in various geological context as clue for understanding of primary and secondary processes and corresponding P-T-X conditionsFNS CU Full-time
Pavel UherEN/SK Skarns in the Štiavnica Stratovolcano area (Central Slovakia): mineral composition and petrogenetic evolution Detailed textural and compositional investigation of skarn minerals on the contact of the Miocene granitic and dioritic rocks of the Štiavnica Stratovolcano and adjacent Mesozoic carbonate sediments as tools for understanding of the mineral and rock P-T-X conditions and evolution FNS CU Full-time
Pavel Uher EN/SK Biogenic apatite in fossil bones and teeth: concentrator of rare-earth elementsBiogenic apatite in fossil bones and teeth show high contents of rare-earth elements (frequently 0.1 to 3 wt.% total REE: La to Lu and Y; ). The study focuses on distribution of REE, other trace and main elements in apatite fossil material of various age and geological position as tools for understanding of paleoenvironment, fossilization process and substitution mechanisms in biogenic apatiteFNS CU Full-time
Jana FridrichováCrystal-chemical and gemological investigation on beryl selected beryl varietiesThe aim of the thesis is the crystal-chemical, spectroscopic and gemmological investigation of different beryl varieties (aquamarine, heliodor, morganite, etc.) from different localities. We will use methodologies for identifying minerals (XRD, Raman spectroscopy), determining chemical composition (XRF, EMPA, LA-ICP-MS), specifying volatile substances (FTIR, Raman), detecting chromophores (OAS), differentiation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ (Mössbauer spectroscopy) to explain the processes and mechanisms of the beryl varieties colouration. Scientific outputs will be applied to gemmological practice. The research will also include an experimental study (heat treatment) on selected samples.FNS CU Full-time
Peter BačíkEN/SK Crystal-chemical and gemmological study of coloured tourmaline varieties without LiThe goal of the work is crystal-chemical and gemmological study of multicoloured tourmalines without Li (dravite, uvite, buergerite, V- and Cr-rich tourmalines, etc.) from various world localities. The study will use methodologies to determine the chemical composition (EMPA, LA-ICP-MS) and structure (PXRD, SREF), and spectroscopic methods (FTIR, Raman, OAS, Mössbauer) to determine the crystal-chemical processes resulting in tourmaline colour. The gemmological properties of Li-free tourmalines will also be investigated to determine the potential commercial use of these minerals as gemstones.FNS CU Full-time
Peter BačíkEN/SK Mineralogical research of tourmaline-supergroup in pegmatites of Krušné Hory Mts. (Czech Republic)Mineralogical research of minerals of the tourmaline supergroup will consist of crystal-chemical and genetic research of different types and compositions of tourmalines on the pegmatites of the Ore Mountains (e.g. the Smolné Pece site) through a diverse range of analytical methods (EMPA, LA-ICP-MS, PXRD, SREF, FTIR, Raman , OAS, Mössbauer).FNS CU Full-time
Peter BačíkEN/SK Use of bond topology for determining structural effects of substitutions in silicatesThis research will attempt to use Bond Topological Model in predicting the structural stability of silicates, revealing and interpreting crystal-chemical processes occurring in real structures and proposing possible alterations of mineral structure and composition.FNS CU Full-time
Marián Putiš/Ondrej NemecEN/SK Petrology and geochemistry of mafic and ultramafic rocks in orogenic suture zonesField study of suture zones. Petrographic description, mineral and whole rock chemistry using main and trace elements, Sr-Nd isotopic study, geochronology, modelling P-T-X conditions of magmatic and metamorphic stages in Perple_X and Melts software packages. Data evaluation in discrimination diagrams for determination of the rock origin, melting sources, and evolutional stages.FNS CU Full-time
Monika HuraiováEN/SK Megacrysts in alkali basalts from Southern Slovakia: mineralogy and originA systematical mineralogical investigation of megacrysts with a focus on the genesis of clinopyroxene. Determination of water content using infrared spectroscopy. Isotope composition of O, Sm, Nd. Interaction with basalt.FNS CU Full-time
Martin OndrejkaEN/SK Trace elements accommodation systematics in xenotime group minerals from contrasted protolithsA study of trace elements accommodation, distribution and substitution mechanisms in different genetic types of xenotime from contrasted protoliths, e.g., magmatic xenotime of granitoids and other felsics (peraluminous to peralkaline), specialized rare-metal granites, (meta)pegmatites, carbonatites, metamorphic xenotime in metapelites …alpine fissures, hydrothermal xenotime in various hydrothermal REE systems, authigene xenotime … The methods used are LA-ICP and in-situ X-ray compositional mapping by EPMA …
The hypothesis is that the boron distribution will be dependent on protolith composition, paragenesis (e.g., the occurrence and stability of other borosilicates, B-rich minerals), P-T.
FNS CU Full-time
Martin OndrejkaEN/SK Petrogenesis of the Rochovce granite intrusion with Mo-W mineralisationA geochemical modelling of whole-rock analyses and isotopes, EPMA and distribution of trace elements by LA-ICPFNS CU Full-time
Šarinová Katarína /Dominika Oravkinová/Peter UhlíkEN/SK Mineralogical and Petrological Analysis of Late Prehistory Ceramics from Rimavská kotlina BasinThe objective of multidisciplinary PhD thesis is to characterise selected archaeological ceramic assemblages from the fortified tell-like settlement in Včelince, that was actively inhabited in the Neolithic, Eneolithic and continuously throughout the Bronze Age. The analysis will focus on pottery samples from various chronological periods, examining their composition and texture through mineralogical and petrological methods (X-ray powder diffraction analysis, optical and electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, etc.). On the basis of these findings and the available literature, the student will attempt to reconstruct the evolution of intrasite ceramic manufacturing technologies (in particular, the shaping techniques and firing conditions). The outputs should contribute to a discussion on the potential provenance of ceramics or the raw materials used in production, supported by geochemical methods. The assumption of local or non-local origin of fabric groups will be verified through mineralogical-petrological methods, including grain size analysis and an exploration of thermal changes at presumed firing temperatures. The results will be further examined in relation to the geological context of the Rimavská kotlina basin and the Slaná river basin microregion.FNS CU Full-time
Rastislav MilovskýEN/SK Speleothems crystalochemistry and trace elements and their paleoclimatic significance.Speleothems crystalochemistry and trace elements (concentration, bonding form and spatial distribution) and their paleoclimatic significanceSASFull-time/ External
Martin ŠtevkoEN/SK Weathering of minerals of the tetrahedrite group: mobility of elements and supergene productsDetailed study of the chemical composition of the primary/unaltered minerals of the tetrahedrite group, identification and advanced crystal-chemical research of all supergene products of weathering and determination of geochemical behaviour and mobility of the toxic elements during weatheringSAS Full-time